Diagnostic Ultrasound Scanning

At the Medi-Train Centre we provide an on-site Diagnostic Ultrasound Scanning service.

The speciality of Diagnostic Ultrasound Scanning has evolved significantly and is now offering a valuable contribution in the diagnosis and subsequent treatment of musculoskeletal (muscles, joints, tendons and ligaments) and sports injuries.

Typical conditions which can be investigated with Diagnostic Ultrasound Scanning include tendon injuries, muscle sprains, ligament ruptures and avulsion of bone with ligament or tendon ruptures. For a list of specific conditions please see below.

The purpose of a Diagnostic Ultrasound Scan is to enhance diagnostic accuracy and help pinpoint exactly what and where the injury is. The scanner provides detailed images of the damaged area together with real time pictures of the “inner workings” of the muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints.

A Diagnostic Ultrasound Scan is a painless and non-invasive procedure. The scanner does not emit radiation or electrical current and is one of the safest imaging modalities currently available.

Due to us being able to perform the scan on-site it significantly reduces waiting times.  It also means that appropriate treatment can be administered much more quickly and therefore help to expedite the recovery process.

Which conditions can be investigated?

Typical conditions that can be investigated with diagnostic ultrasound scanning include:

Shoulder: Impingement, rotator cuff tears, subacromial/sub deltoid bursitis, frozen shoulder and acromioclavicular joint changes.

Elbow: Golfer’s and tennis elbow, avulsion of flexor and extensor tendons, synovitis, biceps and triceps rupture and neurovascular damage.

Wrist and hand: Flexor and extensor tenosynovitis, wrist synovitis, tendon rupture, pulley rupture, carpal tunnel syndrome, tendinopathy, tendon sheath ganglions

Groin: Hernias, adductor tendon rupture,

Hip: Psoas impingement, hip effusions, tendon ruptures, greater trochanteric bursitis,

Knee: Effusion, popliteal cyst, patellar and quadriceps tendons rupture, ligament injuries

Calf and tendon achilles: Rupture of tendon achilles, plantaris and calf muscles.

Ankle: Lligament rupture, tibialis posterior and peroneal tendinopathy/tears.

Feet: Tenosynovitis, tendinopathy, plantar fasciitis, tendon sheath ganglions

N.B Please note that Diagnostic Ultrasound Scanning is not suitable for diagnosing spinal conditions.  In this instance an MRI scan would be more beneficial.

Treatment Costs

Diagnostic Ultrasound Scan Appointment:  £85.00
