Medical Acupuncture has become a common treatment technique now used by Health Professionals both within the NHS and Private Practice as an integrated approach in the management of pain and inflammation.
Acupuncture initially originated in China over two thousand years ago forming part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). TMC regarded the cause of ill health to be due to an imbalance of the flow of energy through the body’s meridian channels and by inserting needles into the skin at specific points the balance could be restored.
Health Professionals have since taken the concept of TMC principles and through an ever growing body of scientific research found Medical Acupuncture to be highly effective in the reduction of pain and inflammation. This is known as the Western Approach of Medical Acupuncture.
Medical Acupuncture is further endorsed by the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) Guidelines for the treatment of back pain (source: NICE 2009) and headaches/migraines (source: NICE 2012).